Sunday, January 6, 2013

NYKO 2013 Recap...On To Celebration in August

NYKO 2013 as they say is in the record books, those who attended packing suitcases, or already on the road or in a plane.  The three big BUZZ catchers are pretty easy to ascertain.

  • Isagenix e+ Energy Drink stole the show, and their #ShareTheShot hashtag on twitter a great idea.  Just wish that everyone in Isagenix had been on Twitter when the product was officially launched putting out tweets so that we could have trended both #ShareTheShot and #NYKO2013.
  • Next up was the announcement that next year's NYKO is going to be held in Dallas...would love to attend that event, but my up line mentor is suggesting that Las Vegas Celebration might be a better fit.
  • The announcement that Isagenix is declaring war on short telomeres!  This should be number one on the list, and is for me.  Just here in America Isagenix Product B can help 79 million aging Baby Boomers.
  • Celebration...this event is going to be held in August in Las Vegas, Nevada.  Should be a grand time, and it is my understanding that it is a much larger gathering of the Isagenix family than NYKO is.
The official recap with links to appropriate articles on IsaFYI.

More money. New products. Three new IsaBody Challenge® categories.

Our 2013 “Focus on Your Future” New Year Kick Off was packed with energy, tons of new promotions and products and so much more. If you missed out, check out all of the announcements from the event below:

Hope everyone who has visited here the past few days has enjoyed the content.  Been fun blogging this event, and looking forward to doing it again next year when NYKO2014 finds itself in Dallas Texas...what an appropriate host city for us, in the state where, as they say, everything is BIG.

NYKO 2013 Wrapping Up...A Personal Observation On Social Media and Isagenix

Anyone who knows me knows that I have fallen in love with Isagenix...the company, the products, and the people involved with it.  What is not to love...the product works (for me), and the company stands behind the product, and if you are involved in the business end of it (which I am) they give you all the support and tools you need to be successful.  The people...sterling.   I was welcomed into the Isagenix Facebook Family with open arms from day one, and they have been there every step of the way in my first 90 days.  When you care about something, someone, or you love a company or product, when you see a glaring problem, you speak up, rather than simply fade into the sunset.

In the last 48-72 hours I have spent a lot of hours tracking NYKO 2013 on both Facebook and Twitter, and as much as it pains me to say this, when it comes to Social Media (for the most part) Isagenix and all the wonderful people associated with it DO NOT know how to properly and adequately harness and utilize Social Media.  Lets use the launch of our new E+ Energy Drink on Friday.  

Not sure how many Associates, Consultants, Managers and Executives we have in the company, but lets put the number at 50,000.  Imagine for a second everyone of those people on Twitter almost simultaneously tweeting out the hashtags #ShareTheShot and #NYKO2013.   If that would have happened, if all of us would have continued doing that all weekend long, chances are we would have been TRENDING on me, that would have been HUGE, would have knocked the launch of our Isagenix E+ Energy Drink OUT OF THE BALLPARK!  Every person on twitter worth their salt watches and checks out what is trending.  Not only that, once something starts trending, once people start CHECKING IT OUT, it goes viral.

For those using Tweetdeck, would encourage you to do a search for NYKO2013 and ShareTheShot and put a column up for these two phrases.  When you consider that we had some 1500 plus folks attending NYKO, the number of tweets using those hashtags is deplorable.  Take the ones up that I put up from some 1800-2000 miles away, and our social media presence on twitter was DISMAL. We can and WE MUST do better at harnessing the power that is Social Media.

As for Facebook...sad to say, but not much better.  

We have our IsaGeeks, but where are our TwitterGeeks?  Where were two or three dedicated talented tweeters whose only job it was at NYKO, whose only job it is seven days a week is TWEETING?  I know there was a break out session at NYKO on Social Media, but that is not enough.  Where is a document in the back office teaching associates A) How to use twitter, B) How to farm twitter for QUALITY followers, and C) THIS IS to write a great tweet.  In social media, when everything else  filtered out, it all comes down to GREAT CONTENT.

I would encourage someone in corporate to look at our competition...specifically, look at the presence that ViSalus has on Twitter...they are kicking our butt, and there are times during the day when their little nasty grams attacking our company will sit in our #Isagenix column for 20-30 minutes at a time because WE ARE NOT TWEETING.  Seriously...imagine someone going on twitter, doing search for Isagenix and when they get there they see ViSalus TWEETS!

I love Isagenix, I love our products, and I would beseech those who run the company too find some people (such as myself) who have been on Twitter since almost the beginning, and work with them to see that every associate, manager, consultant and executive adding tweeting to their tool boxes, and know how to leverage it.  to that end, I have created a new group on Facebook called IsaTwitterGeeks.  This group should go viral by the end of today, every person, every team in Isagenix should be a part of it...the goal....TEACH PEOPLE TO TWEET!

I hope to see this group have numbers into the thousands by the end of today, and it will if each of you takes this article, take the link shared above, the link to this article and starts sending it out to your teams, posting it on Facebook, shares it on Twitter.  There are a lot of things in life I do not know about, but I know Tweeting...hope to see you ALL THERE.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Late Afternoon NYKO 2013 Updates

FOCUS...Success is a Journey
I am having a GREAT DAY...On day one of a two day Cleanse for Life with a bunch of my Isa friends from Facebook who are all participating in "The Isa Guru's 9 Day Cleanse Challenge".  Ran my own little challenge in the group last night with three of our folks WINNING samples of our new Isagenix E+ Energy the buzz says, "Share the Sh*t!"  Just returned from a wonderful two plus hour walk down a country road with my camera.   I will be sharing some of my photographs later in the evening...speaking of photographs, a lot of us would love to see some pics from NYKO 2013, so if any one out there in Phoenix is up to SHARING, you can text photographs to me at (845) 346-6523 or email them to me at and I will post them up for all to enjoy in the pictures section of this blog later tonight...PRETTY PLEASE!

Some Updates From NYKO 2013

Big News! year NYKO 2014 is going to be held in Dallas Texas!  So, start making plans today, and make sure you get your tickets EARLY.  As we all know, this year's event sold out!  Going to start filling my piggy bank up today for next year.  Thinking a ROAD TRIP would be pretty AWESOME.  Leave early, maybe drive down the east coast and catch Savannah first, maybe even New Orleans and then starting meandering my way toward Dallas via Alabama.

Thanks to Vicki Diaz and others who shared this with us via TWITTER.  Toss her a follow! @vickidiazfitnes

The theme of this year's NYKO (Focus)...Follow One Course Until own observation this sage advice...Follow that one course, but be open to tweaking and changing your actions to accelerate how fast you get there.  Base this on the old saying, "If you keeping doing the same thing over and over again, don't be surprised that you keep getting the same results."  

Thanks to many on Twitter for sharing this including @greenlikeme  Again, connect with her, toss her a follow!

From @Brianisacoach (GREAT TWITTER NAME) gives us this diamond..."Tell the truth all the time with compassion."

I would also suggest everyone not in attendance at NYKO 2013 to check out the isaMasterminds group on Facebook...the folks there are ALWAYS a great source of wisdom, and they are putting up some great updates from our gathering as well.

One last little update, though has nothing really to do with NYKO...Today is my 90th Day on Isagenix products, my 90th Day in the Isa Body Challenge...have to tell you, I am feeling and looking good these days.  A special SHOUTOUT to my coach and mentor Andrea Hameed, and all my great Isagenix friends over on Facebook who have so BEEN THERE FOR ME!

Just Following NYKO 2013 On Twitter YOU CAN GET SO MUCH!

Sitting here watching tweets flying by, and let me tell you associates, consultants and executives, "You can get so much out of this years NYKO 2013 even though you are not there by just watching the live streaming tweets scrolling down...a few examples from this morning.  Don't look for another post for a is beautiful outside, and want to take my camera and capture the remaining snow on the ground before it is gone!  Will share a few of them when I return!

ellenreach's avatarWhenever u find yourself content and comfortable - recognize the only way to coast is downhill.#NYKO2013

This is an incredible share, one being shared by MANY OF THE ATTENDEES!

kareynickel's avatarListening to Lynn Hagedorn and Cathy Savage break down clarity and focus #NYKO2013

 Wish Karey would give us more information what is being shared!

See more about Amen… RT @isagenix Amen Iseghohi's #NYKO2013 workout was packed this morning!
Media preview

Opportunity is Knocking, Will You Answer The Door?

Looking at my back room stats for this blog, very excited to see we have been visited from seven countries in the last 24 hours!  It makes it very easy to ascertain this blog is serving its purpose, which is to share the Isagenix NYKO 2013 event with people not fortunate enough to be there up close and personal.  So, for those people, the ones sitting on the fence who are wanting to jump down and BE INVOLVED, sharing this article from my Isa Guru blog...enjoy the read, and please...STOP sitting on the fence, as opportunity is knocking at your door, and if you do not open the door to the future, someone else will!

Never Has There Been a Better Time To TAKE ACTION! Join Isagenix Today!

Open The Door To Your Future!
Have you been sitting on the fence, wanting to know more about Isagenix and the health and wealth benefits we have. Let me give you some links. First, we are having our yearly Isagenix New Year Kick Off out in Phoenix and I have been live blogging it. Go visit there.

You can also visit my own personal blog where you can read about my own Journey, my own 90 Day Self Challenge to lose weight and get healthy.

If you are a person seeking positive change in your life, a person wanting to lose weight and get healthy, if you are an athlete or triathlete looking to build lean muscle, improve your performance, and find new energy, if you are looking for a second income or retirement income, and have been sitting on the fence, PLEASE go visit my Isagenix Associates Page
Find me on Facebook, see who I am as a person.  Visit my Facebook Business Page.
Call (800) 868-1973 for additional recorded information.  Let me give you a free sample of our incredible Isalean Shake, a part of our 30 Day Cleanse program for those wanting to lose weight.

Look around, do your own research, and TAKE ACTION by giving me a call (845) 693-4513 or text me at (845) 346-6523 so I can answer your questions and start you on your own road to success.
Well....WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR...Join my team and enjoy some of the best coaching and mentoring there is.
PS...Did I mention I can help improve the health and wealth of people in places all around the world?  That's right, this opportunity is not restricted to just Canada and America!  


A lot of Associates, Consultants and Executives in Isagenix are visiting this blog, tracking event news...well, what bigger event news is there for us not there than....drum roll please!


e+ Healthy Energy Shot
Buy 3 boxes get the 4th free.

Oatmeal Raisin IsaLean Bars 
Buy 2 boxes get the3rd at 50% off

Ionix Supreme Powder Packets  
Buy 2 boxes get the3rd at 50% off

IsaDelight Plus
Buy 2 boxes get the3rd at 50% off

Brain and Sleep Support System 
$43.00 ($6.00 off)

Remember to enter Coupon Code NYKO2013
Not involved with this GREAT COMPANY (800) 868-1973 for a message, visit opportunity page or just call and talk to me personally (845) 693-4513.  I even do text! (845) 346-6523

Saturday NYKO 2013 Official Agenda

WOW ".is an over used adjective, but so appropriate at times...WOW, what a day it was out in Phoenix yesterday. NYKO 2013's first day was truly inspiring, and the products launches. Still stoked about the Isagenix Energy Shots! By the way, today is the day to place an order in our back rooms...THERE ARE SPECIALS! Use the code NYKO2013! Buy 3 Energy Shot Packs, get a 4th one FREE! Put me down for three! I just checked in on Twitter, and a few people are started to come alive over there. 

So, here is today's "Official Agenda" 

Time Event Location
6:00 a.m. – 7:00 a.m. Workout with Amen Iseghohi Valley of the Sun Ballroom DE 2nd Floor
7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Registration 2nd Floor Foyer
7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Isagenix Store and Partners Encanto Room 2nd Floor
9:00 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. General Session Phoenix Ballroom 3rd Floor
6:30 p.m - 7:30 p.m. Breakout #6 on Making a Difference for the Next Generation - Isagenix for Healthy Moms, Kids and Kids with Special Needs featuring Andrea Henkart & Jim Rhoades Camelback AB
7:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. Breakout #7 on How to Expand Your Business in International Markets hosted by Kevin Adams Deer Valley 2nd Floor


Friday, January 4, 2013

NYKO2013 Day 1 Wrap Up With Your Host, "The Isa Guru"

WOW...what a day it has been at the Isagenix NYKO (New Year Kick Off) even in Phoenix today...I am stoked, and am not even there, but instead writing in the living room of my small apartment here in the small New York hamlet of Mountaindale.  Sure if I were there I would be hoarse of voice and side awake.  Where to start?

No doubt the star of the show is the new Isagenix Energy is a bit from the Isagenix News page on it:

Introducing e+: the naturally-caffeinated energy shot that gets–and keeps–you going!

Let’s face it; in our fast-paced, not-enough-hours-in-the-day world, it’s easy to run down personal energy reserves. e+ is a flavorful energy-boost for everyone, formulated to help you feel refreshed and energized. And, e+ fires up your performance without the artificial colors, sweeteners or flavors found in many other energy drinks.

Pocket-sized e+ shots are convenient, great tasting, and perfect for that quick boost of energy when you need it most. The convenient 2-ounce bottle of e+ provides extra protection against fatigue, whether it’s before a workout or to help you meet a work deadline, thanks to the adaptogenic botanicals in each bottle.

What’s more, the ingredients of e+ were specifically selected to help your cells use energy more efficiently. Here’s just a taste of what e+ has in store for you:
    • Quick energy boost that lasts for hours
    • Kick-starts your workouts
    • Improves focus and physical performance
    • Helps you stay alert and think clearly
    • Safe, effective and natural
I can almost here the audience from here in New York chanting, "SHOT, SHOT, SHOT" and "Share the Sh*t!"  This is very exciting news...especially since our Energy Shot is healthy, unlike some of the other energy drinks out there being investigated by the FDA (Five Hour Energy Drink).

With all the excitement about the new Energy Drink, lets not lose sight of a very important part of the first day...John Anderson declaring a war on short strand Telemores!  This is BIG FOLKS.  Hard to imagine, but our Product B is about to get even better! To find out more about graceful aging and brain support, please visit here.

Our Ionix Supreme (my own morning time favorite) has been reformulated so that it now has 33 percent more powerful! about putting some pep in your step.  As John Anderson said today, Isagenix is never satisfied standing pat (paraphrasing here).  Cannot wait to place a new order and try some of these new and improved products.  If you would like to know more about Ionix Supreme, would like to try some, please visit here.

Most touching moment of the day for me...The Video shared on Twitter by Stephanie Blackbird! You can watch it here, but bring your kleenex.  Yes, it is that touching, and incredibly inspirational.

There were other events, a lot more inspirational speakers, and if you read this article, please share your favorite moments from day one in a comment.

If you made it to here, can you please Google +1 this article, and maybe share it on Twitter or Facebook.  Want to interact further, you can find me on FacebookLove new friends.


It is official...Isagenix brand new Energy Shot is now available, and you can SHARE THE SHOT and GET PAID TO DO IT!  Smart phones are buzzing as attendees Tweet to their downline, SHARE THE SHOT!  Here are some of the tweets....